Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Acceptance before my departure.

Well this is really hard for me to admit, but I was unable to come up with the full $3,000 to fund my internship. All weekend I was upset about the fact that I failed at accomplishing something I thought to be great. I really felt that if I did this internship it would help guide me to myself. But then my amazing friend brought up a great point. She said, "Make this trip about you. Do this for you now." This woke me up. Take an adventure for myself. I plan to hike the Inca Trail into Machu Picchu and visit Lake Titicaca.
From there I have no idea where my adventure will take me. I know that what ever presents itself to me, I will have an open mind about it and if it feels good and safe I will go.
I leave in just a few days we will see how it goes. Wish me luck!


Nomadic Matt said...

Sorry to hear you didn't get enough $. What are you going to do instead?

Anonymous said...

I think you're friend is right about you doing this for you. Pick up The 4-Hour Workweek before you go and read it on your trip (I'll drive one up to you if need be). Believe me, you'll figure out how you're going to spend the rest of your time.

mason said...

I have been right where you are with this trip...It can be a scary feeling! However, sometimes you have to put yourself in those uncomfortable places and let life run its course. This will work out, in order to roam free you have to give up control! Good things come to good people!