Wednesday, June 4, 2008

You... Adventure!!!

So, I quit my job and decided to travel a South American Country for 2 months. This act, of a 31 year old single mother, is something that is unimaginabale. When I made the decsion back in January, I was unsure as to how it would work, but I somehow knew that it would. I need to preface this entire blog by saying that all I am going through has/is/will be difficult. I have never experienced such bipolar emotions in my life. Every hour I struggle over questions like "AM I DOING THE RIGHT THING?" to "WHY DID I NOT ACT ON THIS A LONG TIME AGO?" I am not only doing this for myself but I want to be able to show everyone that its possible. This post will guide you to your own adventure. Your adventure may not be to travel to another country but it can be used as just that, a guide.
Before jumping to the obvious questions on how to overcome certain obsticles, you need to discover your soul. This does not mean self- discovery in an hour, it may be as simple as acknowledging that your current position is not where you need be. This is a very scary step to take. Scary because you may be admitting to a lie that you yourself have created and where would one go after a self-lie is revealed? Here is a wild answer for you... ANYWHERE!!! Once you have acknowledged that you have fallen into the daily grind of getting the job, buying the house, maintaining a materialistic image, possibilites are endless. Depression may set in because the unknown and trapped feeling can get to you, so you have to trust that breaking free can only lead you to personal development. Stay tuned to my lovely list of questions that one would ask once they realize that they need more.


Anonymous said...

Insightful and inspiring post.

Anonymous said...

You gotta go to the restaurant El Truco in La Plaza de Armas. They have great food, free pisco sours for tourists and music and folk dance all night long!